Tiramisus Preorder
Now you can order your tiramisus anytime you crave for it!
Earl Grey
Self collection avail at Kallang, United Square & Pasir Ris (Tues night only). For more details, please check weekly schedule.
Each batch comes in 4 tiramisus so for confirmed order, please do order in a batch of 4! If you are ok with waiting, you may order and I’ll send confirmation once a batch is filled up.
You may order different flavours at a go but do note that all the flavour batches must be filled up before the order can be confirmed — unless you don’t mind coming over to pick up each time :)
TiramiSUPER - a very coffee forward tiramisu, you have been warned
TiramiBOOZE - the boozy sibling
Matchamisu - its matcha cousin
Earl grey TEAramisu - newest flavour on the block!
Happy tiramisu-ing!